How does a quilter use (1) 9 Degree Circle Wedge Ruler to make different sized fans…..different than the actual size of the ruler they own?
This is a great question and a fabulous desire! The answer is “very easily! First let me clarify about the 9 Degree Circle Wedge Rulers.
The 9 degree circle wedge rulers come in 5 sizes…they are all 9 degree rulers. They are simply shorter and or taller versions of the same angle. The individual sizes are 9″ miniature, 14″ miniature, 18″ miniature, 25″ Original, and The 37″ Extension Wedge (which used with the 25″ original ruler).
The size of the ruler is the size of the fan that it will make. Circles will be twice the fan size. For instance the 18″ ruler makes an 18” fan (in 20 different patterns) and also a 36″ circle.
As indicated, each ruler comes with 20 different instructions for diversely different and unique wedge designs. All wedge designs can be made with all ruler sizes. All of the fan/circle wedge designs – 20 for each ruler – are identical.
What is different is “the math” needed for the ruler size being used. NOTE: By saying “the math” it sounds frightening. Let me assure you how easy this is.
When I say “the math”, I am referring to the amount of fabric involved! Fabric is used and if a ruler is small or large, a different amount of fabric is needed.
Fabric is used in several ways with these rulers. Strata which is strips sewn together. And as individual strips.
A) The height of the strata unit = total height of the strips sewn together and or individual strips changes with each ruler size.
B) B) The number of those strata units or individual strips which are needed to yield the desired number of wedges, also changes with each ruler size.
This is “the math” and let me assure you everything has been figured out for each wedge design and each ruler size……and all of this information is quite easy to put to use.
The individual techniques used for each wedge design have distinct names such as Split-tip, Blazing Fingers, Flip-Flop, Chevron, Drop-Shift Spiral, Crazy Patch, Spiral Waltz and Spectrum. These names and techniques remain the same for all ruler sizes.
When someone purchases a specific ruler they get instructions for every wedge design and the perfect math for that specific ruler size. When someone wants to use – let’s say -the larger 25” ruler and make a smaller fan or circle, they can do so by using less of the ruler height. What they are missing is “the math”. They would want to know the actual strata height or strip size and the number of strata or strips needed for the ruler size they wanted to use.
If someone owns the 25” ruler – they automatically have all smaller ruler sizes…….simply not the specific math for using less of the ruler. Likewise, the 18″ ruler can be used to make fans using the shorter parts of itself; the 17″, 16″, 15″ and on down. The rulers are simply taller and shorter – not different. They are each a 9 Degree Circle Wedge Ruler.
IN A NUTSHELL – Anyone can use any amount of the ruler they want to. This will be less than the whole ruler. What they lack is knowing how tall the strata needs to be for each design and how many strata are needed for “that ruler size”. What they are seeking is “the math” to use a larger 9 degree circle wedge ruler and make smaller 9 degree fan/circle creations.
The math is completely figured out for over 200 patterns! No one needs to stress or guess, I have that information figured out and ready to use. I often say to someone purchasing my rulers that they are really purchasing 20+ patterns and the ruler is actually FREE! I invented these rulers and had to develop the entire math for each ruler for each design, specifically for each ruler size, over 200+ computations. This is something I would not want anyone else to figure out on their own.
This is why I say to those interested in purchasing a ruler, that I recommend buying them all! Ultimately, a ruler is purchased with the 20 patterns but in effect they are purchasing patterns for about $.50 – $1.00 each pattern and then the rulers are virtually FREE!
For the record, even though it can be done, it is much easier to use the correct sized ruler than one much larger.
However, I understand money being tight and desire being high to get maximum use out of any ruler already owned. So, here is another way to proceed, other than purchasing all of the rulers. WHICH I STILL RECOMMEND AS THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY TO PROCEED – it is so very nice to have the correct size tool for the job, easy and elegant!
Due to this world wide request, for the math and patterns, for all ruler sizes, I have made it available. The ability to purchase the math for all for all ruler sizes, WITHOUT PURCHASING ANY RULER AT ALL, can be done a very reasonable rate; $.10 – $.25 cents per pattern. Anyone can purchase the information. No ruler purchase is necessary at all. You can get these two ways:
1. Instantly purchase, download and print.
For any individual ruler or for all 5 rulers. The price is $5.00 for 1 specific ruler size which is $ 25. per pattern! Or $20.00 for all 5 ruler sizes which is $. 10 per pattern! Use the coupon code ‘5boardsdownload’ to get the discount.
Click here to purchase & download now
2. Purchase an instruction board that will be physically mailed to you. The price quoted includes U.S.A. postal. Add $10.00 additional for out of country sales, thank you. The price is $ 10.00 per board = $.50 per pattern. Or all five boards for $ 40.00 – $ .20 per pattern. Use the coupon code ‘5boardsprint’ to get the discount.